Guess where I took the header picture "Kiss and Ride" from ?
It's taken at Vienna Praterstern Train Station.
It's my first time of Euro travel and couchsurfing experience. 
Courchsurfing really made my trip become very awesome and fantastic.
If you want to join it, click "About Me" or "Couchsurfing" link,and you can understand what it is.
Due to flight transfer problem I got in Paris CDG airport,I arrived Vienna later than oridinary plan.
After asking direction,I finallly found Theresa's office and meet her there.
Guess what happened later?
Like the key St Peter has,I also get a key to heaven from Theresa.
It's really amazing because it's our first meet and we didn't have a long talk yet.
I saw the beauty of humanity in this experience.

On Wednesday's night, I meet Susi at Wiener Staatsoper.Then we walked to the Donaukanal and had nice talk at a restaurant there.I really enjoyed the moment of going out with her. Her company has a branch office in Kaohsiung , maybe we can meet each other in the furture. :)

At the last day in Vienna, I saw a rainbow in the spring of should be in the sky ,right?
I have more words about Vienna,it is a beautiful city full of many nice people and interesting festivals .
I'd love to visit it again in the future.
Rainbow in Belvedere