Without Facebook-#1
People say if God closes a door, he will open another door for you. It’s the same reason why I choose to quit Facebook until my birthday of 2011.
There’re 6 months to go. Facebook is really useful and interesting tool for communication and sharing photos.But it takes me much time everyday. Some connections on Facebook are real and some are virtual. Although I already “unfriend”some people from list, there’s still someone you would press “like” on his photos or say “Happy birthday” but never hang out with. The longer I spend on Facebook and the lesser I spend on real connections with “real friends”. And as you see, it’s my first blog diary since I became a resident doctor. In the following 6 months, I will transform the time I spent on Facebook into working on my dream, making a real call to friends/family, updating blogs and travel.
Tony @ the era without Facebook
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